Thursday, August 27, 2020
Creation Vs Darwinism Essay Research Paper Creationism free essay sample
Creation Vs Darwinism Essay, Research Paper Creationism is the hypothesis that grown-up male, the Earth, and the rest of the presence was initially made rather than haphazardly exploding from void into circumstance being. Of all the coevalss along these lines far to populate the Earth, we have minimal justification for non recognizing the peaceful nearness of The Scientific Mathematician who set everything into motion around us. We ought to be in wonder, non assumptive and doubting. Around 3,000 mature ages back King David of Israel composed ( Psalm 8:3-4 ) # 8220 ; When I think about Your divine circles, crafted by Your fingers, the Moon and the stars, which You have appointed ; what is grown-up male that you know about him? What's more, the kid of grown-up male, that You visit him? # 8221 ; Creationism is the product of a genuine perusing of the Biblical story of Genesis. It holds that God made the universe in an individual demonstration around 6,000 mature ages back and that human presences, vivify creatures, and different signifiers of life exist today much as they did as such. We will compose a custom article test on Creation Vs Darwinism Essay Research Paper Creationism or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page To numerous creationists, the hypothesis of improvement is blasphemy. They contend that dodo records and other logical grounds of advancement are either bogus or were themselves made by God. # 8220 ; first and foremost, God made the Eden and earth. # 8221 ; And the Earth was without signifier, and nothingness ; and obscurity was upon the essence of the profound. Furthermore, the soul of God moved upon the substance of the Waterss. # 8220 ; And God stated, permit there be light: and there was obvious radiation. # 8220 ; And God saw the noticeable radiation, that it was acceptable ; And separated the obvious radiation from haziness. # 8220 ; And God Called the light twenty-four hours, and the murkiness he called dim. Furthermore, the eventide and the forenoon were the initial twenty-four hours. # 8220 ; And God said permit there be a heavenly circle in the main part of the Waterss, and permit it split the Waterss. # 8220 ; Ands God made the divine circle, and partitioned the Waterss which were under the heavenly circle from the Waterss which were Aborigines ve the divine circle ; And it was so. A hypothesis of organic improvement created by Charles Darwin and others, saying that all types of creatures emerge and create through the normal decision of little, familial changes that expansion the single # 8217 ; s capacity to compete, last, and replicate. Other than called Darwinian hypothesis. A portion of the early signifiers of energize creatures were not well adjusted, and their species did non last. At long last, the quicken creatures as we probably am aware them today were shaped and endure. This sparing of great single contrasts and vacillations, and the destruction of those which are injurious, I have called Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest. The Scopes # 8220 ; Monkey Trial # 8221 ; stands out as truly newsworthy in July as Dayton, Tenn. , teacher John T. Degrees, 25, goes on test for go againsting a March 13 law against learning improvement in the area # 8217 ; s government funded schools. Sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union, Scopes has tried the law by presenting his classifications with the 1859 guidelines of Charles Darwin. Safeguarded by Chicago legal advisors Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone, he is arraigned by previous secretary of region William Jennings Bryan, saw as blameworthy, and fined $ 100. Bryan bites the dust of blood vessel breakage July 26. Degrees Monkey tests: Williams Jenning Bryan, three-time Democratic campaigner for President and a democrat, was the prima figure in a Fundamentalist crusade to shun Darwin # 8217 ; s hypothesis of improvement from American schoolrooms. Clarence Darrow, who was approaching 70, chose to fall in the contention in Dayton. Darrow was non the primary pick of the ACLU, who was worried that Darrow # 8217 ; s ardent rationalism may transform the test into a broadside invasion on trust. List of sources Darwin, charles # 8220 ; Origin of Speices # 8221 ; 1996, reissue England 96
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ATHENS VS SPARTA papers Athens and Sparta were two significant developments. Each had their own convictions, ethics, conventions, and things that set them apart. They each lived in various regions of the world. Sparta was exceptionally disconnected, and Athens was an exchange capital of the world. They each had their own fights, wars and issues inside their regarded nations. The two of them had diverse government frameworks just as scholarly convictions. At long last it was this various convictions and selfish pioneers that would carry the two human advancements to their definitive destruction. Sparta is an incredible interesting country. They sit inland a considerable amount and are secluded from exchange and from spread of different nations customs. Around 725 B.C.E. Sparta vanquished their neighbors, the Messcenians. At that point Sparta made them their slaves. The term they utilized for them were helots. The helots out numbered the Spartans 160,000 to 32,000. Since the helots dwarf the Spartans to such an extent, a revolt was unavoidable, these rebellions prompted the development of a legislature called the Lycurgan laws. Lycurgeous thought of this thought of government. Fundamentally, there were two lords, which were accountable for the military armed force. The rulers had the ability to veto one another, so this made it difficult for them to focus on a war, except if the two lords were agreeable to it. Next we have the Ephors, there were five of them and they fundamentally controlled the helots. They Ephors additionally were responsible for worldwide undertakings. The Gerousia were comprised of 30 men, and they held all legal force and choices. They couldn't propose or pass any laws. The Assembly comprised of all guys more than thirty. They were the last power yet by and by, banter was carried on by justices, older folks, and lords alone, and casting a ballot was ordinarily by applause. In the event that you notice there is no genuine force with any of the official workplaces. This was deliberately it figured in a lot of governing rules between all gatherings of... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive GMAT Impact All About Integrated Reasoning, Part 5
Blog Archive GMAT Impact All About Integrated Reasoning, Part 5 When it comes to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. In this weekly blog series, Manhattan GMAT’s Stacey Koprince teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. And on we goâ€"this is the fifth entry in what began as a three-part series on the GMATs new Integrated Reasoning (IR) section. I can’t help itâ€"they keep releasing new and important infoâ€"so we’ll just keep going until either we get sick of the topic or GMAC stops giving us new things to discuss. GMATPrep 2.0 has been out for nearly a month now, and we’ve got some important details to share. First, if you haven’t heard already, the new software is Mac compatible (finally!). Second, I got a bit of a nasty surprise when I took my second GMATPrepâ€"the IR questions were exactly the same ones I saw on the first test! So here’s our first big tip for you: Save 12 official IR questions for your second GMATPrep: one Multi-Source Reasoning with three questions, and three each of the other three types. (Note: this is not the exact guaranteed mix on the real test, but it’s one of the possible mixes.) You can get these questions from within the practice section of the GMATPrep software or from the OG13 IR question bank. You can also just skip the IR section on the second test, but the problem is that this might give you an artificial advantage on the quant and verbal portions (because you won’t be as mentally fatigued as you’d normally be). As such, we strongly recommend that you save 12 questions to make the second GMATPrep experience as much like the real test as possible. An “updates available†feature is built into GMATPrep 2.0. If you see that icon pop up, click on it. Eventually, I’m sure they’ll add a second “real†IR section to the test, so you want to get that update when it’s available! Finally, a little OG news. The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 13th edition, (OG13) has a code for an online question bank consisting of 50 IR questions. Your access is good for six months from the date of activation, so don’t activate the set until you’re ready to do your first OG IR problem. Also, if you’ve already bought OG12 but are planning to take the new test, good news: you can purchase access to just the online IR question bank for $10. This option will be available until June 5; after that, the 50-question IR bank will be available only with the purchase of OG13. Share ThisTweet GMAT Impact
Monday, May 25, 2020
Volunteering and Adult Learning Essay - 1801 Words
Volunteering and Adult Learning The history of adult education has been a history of voluntary activity and voluntary association (Ilsley 1989, p. 100). Today, volunteerism, and the growing field of volunteer management, continue to reflect close associations with adult education. Research and practice in adult education can inform the development of learning opportunities for volunteers. With this in mind, this Digest describes some of the similarities between the fields of volunteer management and adult education and examines some of the types and methods of learning that occur in the context of volunteering. Volunteer Management and Adult Education Like adult education, the field of volunteer management shows increasing†¦show more content†¦The establishment of standards--both for the profession of volunteer management and for volunteer service itself--is generating debates similar to those among adult educators over purposes and objectives. Ilsley (1989) suggests that professionalization is making the volunteer field more technical and market oriented, similar to the way business language and methods are being borrowed in adult education. The agenda of volunteer organizations, especially those focused on social change, is in danger of being coopted as government and corporations formalize what may have been more grassroots, nonformal efforts (ibid.). Elsey (1993) identifies a similar debate in both the volunteer field and adult education over focus on individuals or society. He envisions the two fields forming a third way between government and the free market in the formation of civil society. For Elsdon (1995), volu ntary activity is about both individuation and good citizenship, for it is through individual empowerment, achieved by participating and learning from that experience, that service is rendered. Learning through Volunteering Learning is part of the contract between the organization and the volunteer (McCabe 1997, p. 18). Volunteering is a powerful source of learning (Ross-Gordon and Dowling 1995, p. 307). Altruism may be the most obvious reason behind volunteering, but there are many other motivational factors that have an explicit or implicit link to learning. ForShow MoreRelatedBuilding Effective Service Learning Programs in Local Communities1387 Words  | 6 Pagesa bad rap. Adults who don’t regularly interact with high school students may only see the negative side of the adolescents in their community. In fact, â€Å"sixty-one percent of American adults are convinced that today’s youth face a crisis in their values and morals, look at teenagers with misgiving and view them as undisciplined, disrespectful, and unfriendly†(Latham, 2003). 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From helping serve at a local food shelter to going on a mission trip to Costa Rica, there are a variety of serving opportunities around every corner. For centuries, service has shown its importance through a plethora of benefits to both the individual and the worldRead MoreGiving A Student Choices Within A Learning Environment1608 Words  | 7 Pagesschoolwork and assist them in succeeding; such as giving them the power of choice, ensuring each child feels accepted and linking academics with real life. Giving a student choices within a learning environment allows them to feel in control of their life as well as granting them a sense of purpose and competence. Learning in which choices are incorporated for the child to make by themselves allows them to invest in quality work that is of interest. Feeling accepted is an important factor in developmentRead MoreThe Volunteer Stages And Transition Models : Organizational Socialization Of Volunteers1355 Words  | 6 Pagesvolunteers’ experiences in an organization and proposes learning and interaction models within the context of volunteering. The abstract of the article provides a strong context of the research question and by reading the abstract, I was able to understand the crux of the paper and the need for this research at an abstract level. The introduction provides a detailed background on what the authors perceived as areas of concern in volunteering. The authors connect all fragments of the research areaRead MoreMy Strengths And Weaknesses Of An Service Learning Project Essay1687 Words  | 7 PagesReflective Component: Through this service learning project, I have learned about my strengths and weaknesses. Overtime, I have been able to identify my weaknesses and develop them into strengths. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Louis XVI and the French Revolution - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2043 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: French Revolution Essay Did you like this example? Louis XVI was one of the rulers during the French Revolution. He was not an impactful leader for the people. He wanted to run from issues instead of facing them head on and he made some promises that could not be kept and had poor decisions. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Louis XVI and the French Revolution" essay for you Create order In time of crisis he could not take charge. The rebellion of the Third Estate showed that they felt unrepresented and did not have equal rights as the other estates did, and Louis XVI felt he could make it better for them during the Estates General. When the Third Estate stormed the Bastille they were on a mission to get ammunition and make a statement to Louis XVI that they were going to get answers and solution to their problems (Ockerman). The womens march and revolt showed that all genders were going to show that they would fight for what they wanted. They wanted a better chance of surviving and being able to provide for their family. Due to the way Louis XVI handled the rebellion of the Third Estate, the storming of the bastille, and the womens revolt, Louis XVI was an insufficient ruler during the time of the French Revolution. The rebellion of the Third Estate was a long coming process. The first event that had happened was Louis XVI had called together the Estates General (Cole and Symes 479). This was a group of 3 people from each social class, the First Estate was the nobles, the Second Estate was the clergy, and the Third Estate everyone else (Cole and Symes 479). The First and Second Estate was the highest classes and they used their power to their advantage. The nobles were the ones that were the closest to Louis XVI, this also included the assembly, the clergy were the religious that were affiliated with the church, and the Third Estate was the peasants, lawyers, anyone who was not part of the clergy or a noble (Cole and Symes 479). Louis XVI had called together this meeting because he did not know what he should do about all of the terrible weather and the food issues and crisis that was happening with the people. This lead to other issues when he had called the meeting, the Third Estate believed t hat they were not getting equal representation like the other estates considering they were the majority of the population (Cole and Symes 479). No matter what the Third Estate tried to get equal representation they would always get out voted by the First and Second Estates, because Louis XVI would not give the Third Estate equal representation they decided to take matters into their own hands. (Cole and Symes 479). They decided to meet on their own and take matters into their own hands because they were done with the way they were being treated and represented. They were locked out of their original meeting place by Louis XVI so they found tennis courts and met there from then on (Cole and Symes 482). They wrote an oath for anyone to sign that was part of the Third Estate to be a part of the National Assembly, which they also created (Cole and Symes 483). The National Assembly would be soon be the highest power in their government (Cole and Symes 483). A lot of other people from other estates supported the Third Estate because they saw that their points for separation were valid and realized that Louis XVI could not do anything by himself and needed advice from others which we will see again from him. The Third Estate also demanded that Louis XVI write a written constitution and give the Third Estate equal representation and the power to vote on matters that would affected them (Cole and Symes 484). The demand for the written constitution lead into the storming of the Bastille. The Third Estate attacked the Bastille because of the need of ammunition because they had been able to acquire firearms and canons, this lead to other events and symbolism of the storming. (Ockerman) The Bastille was a prison that had ammunition (Cole and Symes 483). The Third Estate knew that the Bastille would have ammunition and this would be a warning to Louis XVI that they wanted change and they were willing to make that happen. After they had stormed the Bastille the rest of the prisoners that had not escaped when they fired at it were let go (Ockerman). They guillotined the prisoner governor and his officers for the way they had treated the prisoners (Ockerman). The symbolism was different for all parties that were involved in it and knew about the storming. The royalty was confused by the meaning of the storming, they did not initially think that it was a storming. Louis XVI was the most confused because he first thought that is was a revolt but he was then corrected and that it was a revolution (Ockerman). Louis XVI also thought that it was a revolt against the government and not a violent event (Ockerman). Others saw this as the beginning of the French Revolution. This was the first major public event the Third Estate had put together. The storming of the Bastille soon became a national celebration to celebrate the constitutional monarchy and the unity of the people of France (Ockerman). The storming of the Bastille inspired the women that had been struggling for a long time an idea to make it better for the women during the time of Louis XVI reign. The womens march and revolt had a lot of back story leading up to it and the effects of the womens march showed that some of the major events of the French Revolution had a good impact of the people but it was all done by the people. There was a lack of food supply because it had been the coldest winter that they had seen in years (Connelly and Hembree 46). This made it so they werent able to get the basic necessities of food, especially bread which was a staple of their diet because it was the cheapest before the winter. The canal that let them get supplies from outside of Paris had been frozen over so the supplies were not able to be brought in. (Book) Since there was a lack of supplies the price of bread rose which made it very difficult for the people in the Third Estate to pay all of the taxes to the First and Second Estate and then they were not able to even get bread to feed the family (Connelly and Hembree 46). The women in the market had enough with the way that Louis XVI was not sympathizing with them and wanted for them to be heard. The women started at Les Halles and they marched to Hotel de Ville, when they reached the hotel they were redirected by Stanislas Maillard to go to Versailles because they would find Louis XVI there (Connelly and Hembree 47). They were on a journey to persuade Louis XVI to help them out and lower the price of bread or not have to pay the ridiculous taxes to the other estates. It was a 12 mile voyage from the hotel to Versailles (Connelly and Hembree 47). As they walked to Versailles they smashed shop windows, took whatever they wanted, seized carriages, the national guards caissons, and other means of transportation to get to Versaille quicker (Connelly and Hembree 47). Once they had gotten Versaille they interrupted the assembly and Mirabeau treated them as they were important and took care of them (Connelly and Hembree 47). Millard spoke for everyone about the lack of the food and the Archbishop starving the Parisians (Connelly and Hembree 47). A few of the women were then able to meet with Louis XVI because they wanted him to know that they wanted answers and solutions to these issues (Connelly and Hembree 48). Louis XVI at the time sympathized for the women and promised them bread and to the sign the bill of rights and veto bill, for Louis XVI to sign the bill of rights the Third Estate would be able to vote and have a voice for them (Connelly and Hembree 48). Other people encouraged Louis XVI to flee from France but Lafayette thought that Louis XVI should please the people and make them happy because then all of these issues would be able to be solved (Connelly and Hembree 48). The people thought he should flee because they thought he shouldnt face the people and their rebellion. This is a good example of why Louis XVI could not be able to take charge during the French Revolution and make his own choice of what to do. The events that followed womens march and meeting with Louis XVI would be a chain reaction in the rest of the French Revolution. The next morning screaming Parisians stormed Versailles planning on eating the queens liver, but the queen heard of this and was able to escape to the kings apartment so her liver would not be eaten (Connelly and Hembree 48). They then decided to take the body guards that had been protecting the queen and they had them killed, they cut off their heads and carried it around for all to see and send a message to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette that this could be them if they do not make changes and take charge (Connelly and Hembree 48). The people also demanded that they return to Paris. Once they returned to Paris they were put on house arrest because they wanted them to always be present and take charge of issues they had formed (Cole and Symes 486). The nobles decided to flee because they thought Louis XVI was finally going to have to answer to the people an d the assembly that there were major issues that needed to be taken care of(Connelly and Hembree 48). All of the events that happened that day lead to important things and are important to the way women are treated in society and how it made a difference. The importance of the womens march and revolt lead many chain reactions that were good to the people of the Third Estate and the royals who did not understand what had been happening to them for years. They made Louis XVI and the assembly face issues that had been rising up and what had started some of the events of the French Revolution. The rest of the French Revolution was mainly led by the people of Paris for the rest of the French Revolution (Connelly and Hembree 49). Some of the people included the people of the Third Estate and they were also other people that joined them in making Louis XVI to take action and progress was finally made and the French Revolution continued on. In conclusion, Louis XVI was a terrible king. He was given only given the power as king because it was passed down to him by blood he was the next in line. This shows that it should not always be just the next person that is line that it should be someone that is qualified for the position. In the storming of the Bastille he did not completely understand that it meant the people were angry and getting ready to rebel against him and the way they had been treated at the Estates General. He realized that even the women were going to make a change for themselves even if they may not get support from him. He did sympathize for them but is it wondered if he actually did. When Louis XVI was trapped in Paris and had to face peoples issues that was the first time that he took charge for what he need to and showed that he would do something for the people of the Third Estate, the ideas he had taken from them to eventually make the government a republic and to right a constitution. Louis XVI wa s enlightened by all of these events and saw that he was not a good king during his rule. Works Cited Cole, Joshua and Symes, Carol. Western Civilizations Their History and Their Culture. W.W. Norton, 2005. Connelly, Owen and Hembree Fred. The French Revolution. Harlan Davidson, Inc, 1993. Ockerman, Emma. What Actually Happened on the Original Bastille Day. 13 July 2016,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
SWOT Analysis - 872 Words
Introduction â€Å"SWOT analysis is a historically popular technique through which managers can create a quick overview of a company’s strategic situation†(Pearce, II Robinson, 2011, p. 140). Using this model, we will look at the external factors of the energy industry that affect Range Resources Corporation. Strengths Range Resources has a strong position in the Marcellus Shale. It has close to one million net acres with resource potential of 545 million barrels of liquids and 32 trillion cubic feet of gas (Strategy, 2012). Range has a wide customer base. The company sells its gas production to customers including pipelines, utilities, gas marketing firms, industrial users, and local distribution. Its natural gas liquid (NGL)†¦show more content†¦Opportunities Globally, the consumption of natural gas is expected to â€Å"increase by more than 50 percent from 2005 through 2030. Asia is expected to become the world’s number one gas consumer, taking over that spot from North America, as China’s economy grows 6.4 percent annually†(Kendell, 2008). Domestically, a continuous growth in residential, commercial, and industrial consumption of natural gas is expected during this same period. Since Range is engaged in the production and marketing of natural gas, the increasing demand for natural gas in the United States makes it well positioned to drive top-line growth. Threats Range faces intense competition in the oil and gas industry. It competes with major integrated and other independent oil and gas companies for the acquisition of oil and gas leases and properties. It also competes in the marketing of gas and NGLs. Its competitors include Chesapeake Energy, Anadarko Petroleum, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron Corporation, and EXCO Resources. Some of its competitors have financial and other resources substantially larger than Range. Additionally, the larger competitors might have a competitive advantage when responding to factors that affect demand for oil and natural gas production. Such an intense competition threatens to erode the market share of the company. Range Resources faces several government regulations. Its oil and gasShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Swot And Swot Analysis738 Words  | 3 Pagesknown as SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is business analysis method that business can use for each of its department when deciding on the most perfect way to increase their business and future growth. This procedure identifies the internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are in the markets. SWOT analysis helps you decide your position against your competitors, identifies best future opportunities, and highlight current and future threats. SWOT analysis is an acronymRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Swot Analysis : Swot1223 Words  | 5 PagesOnStar – SWOT Analysis To help OnStar determine if home monitoring services should be added to its list of products and services, a SWOT analysis should be completed. A SWOT analysis is a situation analysis or tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization (SWOT Analysis Definition | Investopedia, 2005). Thus, it is a basic straightforward model that determines what an organization, like OnStar, can and cannot do, as well as determines its opportunitiesRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Swot Analysis : Swot911 Words  | 4 Pages SWOT Analysis In the article â€Å"SWOT analysis†Harmon (2015) offered a definition for SWOT analysis, the purpose of the SWOT analysis, the advantages of performing a SWOT analysis, and outlined and discussed the four components of the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a planning and brainstorming tool that helps people evaluate an idea or project for a business or formulate a business plan (Harmon, 2015). It should be noted that SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, OpportunitiesRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot1081 Words  | 5 PagesSWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis (SWOT matrix) first used by Stanford Research Institute during 1960-1970 and it was presented by Mr. Albert S. Humphrey a American business and management consultant by using data from fortune 500 companies. We can succeed in our life if we use our talents to our full extent. Similarly, we‘ll have some problems if we know our weakness are, and if we manage these weaknesses so that we don’t matter in the work we do. To understand more about our self and our externalRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Swot1708 Words  | 7 Pages A SWOT analysis is â€Å"a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture.†( analysis, 03/11/14). A swot analysis can also be used to examine a person’s attributes. The strengths and weaknesses usually are internal factors whereas threats and opportunities are mainly external. Advantage Disadvantage Internal Strengths 1. Self-motivated 2. I am organised; accurate and pay attentionRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot2320 Words  | 10 PagesSWOT analysis focuses on the internal factors which are the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors which are the opportunities and threats which are gained from situational analysis, which focuses on summarizing all the pertinent information acquired about the key three environments of internal, customer, and external (Ferrell Hartline, 2014, p. 39). A SWOT analysis further gives a company precise advantages and disadvantages in satisfying the needs of its selectedRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Swot852 Words  | 4 PagesStrength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, commonly known as a SWOT analysis is used by businesses. Organizations use the SWOT analysis technique to figure out and understand their areas of strong suits (strengths), their inevitable flaws (weaknesses), prospects that the organization could look into (opportunities) a nd things that pose as intimidations to the organization (threats). There are many obstacles to overcome when it comes to international expansion. Obstacles such as; language andRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot1957 Words  | 8 PagesSWOT analysis focuses on the internal factors which are the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors which are the opportunities and threats which are gained from situational analysis which focuses on summarizing all the pertinent information acquired about the key three environments of internal, customer, and external (Ferrell Hartline, 2014, p. 39). A SWOT analysis further gives a company precise advantages and disadvantages in satisfying the needs of its selected marketsRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Swot1215 Words  | 5 PagesThe SWOT analysis was originally introduced by Andrews Christiansen, Guth and Learned in 1969 and its basic organizing principles have remained largely unchanged in the field of str ategic management. [BADEN-FULLER, C. H. A. R. L. E. S., STOPFORD, J. (2002). The Firm Matters More than the Industry. Strategy for Business: A Reader, 123.] It is a systematic framework which helps managers to develop their business strategies by appraising their internal and external determinants of their organization’sRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Swot1888 Words  | 8 PagesThe SWOT analysis, a strategic planning tool was developed by Albert Humphrey in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Albert is said to have come up with this strategic planning tool through the use of data the Fortune 500 companies in the United States of America at that time (Lancaster Massingham, 2011). A SWOT analysis determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which are a relevant part of any organization especially the ones that get involved in new ventures. This tool assists the users
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Research for Governance of Social-Ecological System
Question: Discuss about the Research for Governance of Social-Ecological System. Answer: Introduction This paper examines whether discovery of gold mines in the PWV areas have an adverse effect on both economic along with industrial development as well as the present unemployment rate in Eastern Cape. To unearth this, the paper pays a particular interest in the discovery of Gold mines in South Africa. The paper concludes that whereas it remains a self-evident truth articulate that the success of modern economy of South Africa was underpinned by the growth of the both gold-mining and diamond-mining sectors, the economic industrialization could not have been accomplished without iron ore and coal (Smith, 2013). History of origin of Gold Mines in South Africa The initial discovery of gold in South Africa took place in 1884. Jan Gerrit Bantjes made the initial recorded discovery of gold on Witwatersrand in June 1884. This took place on the farm of Vogelstrusfontein. Struben brothers later followed thereafter in September who discovered the Confidence Reef on the Wilgespruit close to the present-day Roodepoort. Nevertheless, such were solely minor reefs, and currently it is generally agreed that credit for discovering the major gold reef should be attached to George Harrison. His discoveries on the farm Langlaagte took place in July 1886. This was either via accident or systematic prospecting prior to the opening of open cast workings along the full length of major reef in the current district of Johannesburg. The role of the British Government in the payment of land tax in British Pounds The governments of Boer and the British imposed taxes on their subjects. The British government made new laws demanding the payment of taxes in cash and not in cattle. The Africans were forced to pay a hut tax of R1 daily per hut. A man had to take about 3 months on mines to earn the above tax. Men went to on the gold mines to pay for the hut tax. The role of gold mines in the development of ports and industries in the Eastern Cape Gold mines led to the development of ports along with industries in Eastern Cape Town. Transport improved as more and more factory-made products were being shipped from England to meet the increasing demands of the mines alongside the communities that were then developing around them. This is because, goods had to be transported by the slow ox-wagon all the way to the Randy from the coast making the equipment required for mines to much longer to arrive. As the ports had been established, railways were established to join ports to mining with increasing number of lines going to Witwatersrand right to the gold mines. The impact of the gold mines on the unemployment rate and food security in the Eastern Cape. The gold mines led to early attempts at recruiting thereby reducing the unemployment rate. This is because the mines required large supply of labor making the mine owners to make sure they recruited adequate number of men to spend sufficient time working on the mines per year. The unemployment rate reduced as a result of increased competition for labor between the poorer and richer mines. The richer mines could attract workers by offering higher salaries (Wilson, 2011). The existence of poorer mines relied on the reduction of working costs by keeping wages at the possible low levels. The tension was solved by mine owners by flooding the market with recruited employees thereby bringing down unemployment rate. The recruited workers were encouraged to go and work on mines through special agents or touts. Such touts got payment by recruiting agencies on the basis of every worker recruited. Accordingly, mine owners established a condition whereby the workers exceeded the available jobs thereby compelling workers to accept lower wages (Wilson, 2011). The food security in the Eastern Cape was adversely affected by the golds mines. This is because there was a destruction on the land was taken away by British and Boer governments. In this manners farmers could not practice agriculture easily as before. Moreover, the introduction of land taxes, poll tax and labor tax all meant that African working at lower wages in gold mines had very few cash left after paying taxes (Wilson, 2011). Africans were also forced to become migrant laborers by taking the advantage of internal skirmishes within African kingdoms thereby defeating the Kingdoms making the British and Boer governments taxes and land control measures imposed leaving people with less options for surviving but to seek work in towns (Hamann Tuinder, 2012). Conclusion To sum up, the discovery of gold in 1886 on the Witwatersrand was a marked turning point in the history of South Africa. It changed South Africa to largest gold-producer worldwide from agricultural society. Trade between rest of the globe and South Africa increased since for major trading economies like the US and Europe, gold remained of great value because their respective currencies were gold-backed. References Hamann, M., Tuinder, V. (2012). Introducing the Eastern Cape: a quick guide to its history, diversity and future challenges. A report for the Stockholm Resilience Center: Research for Governance of Social-Ecological Systems. Smith, I. R. (2013). The Origins of the South African War, 1899-1902. Longman Publishing Group. Wilson, F. (2011). Labour in the South African gold mines 1911-1969 (Vol. 6). Cambridge University Press.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Critiscisms Of My Antonia Essays - Literature, American Literature
Critiscisms Of My Antonia In the past, critics have ad moralized and/or brutalized every writer they could get their pen on. This is seen from criticisms of Henry Adams to William Butler Yeats. These writers critique everything about the writer and his/her works. For instance many critics criticize Willa Cather's novel, My Antonia. Their criticisms lie on the basis that My Antonia is based on cyclical themes with no structure holding each of the My Antonia's books. In other words, as a collection of five different accounts remembered by the main character, Jim Burden, My Antonia is characterized by a loose plot structure yet the existence of common themes is expressed in a cyclical nature. According to James E. Miller, Jr.'s 'My Antonia': A Frontier Drama of Time, Willa Cather's novel, My Antonia, is defective in structure. (Bloom 51) Its structure is basically based on the narrators', which is Cather herself, point of view about when the main character, Jim Burden, remembers specific moments in an abstract pattern in his life about his Antonia. This is so because the collection of books that make up the novel, My Antonia, is about Willa Cather; the narrator's idea of what and to what point Jim Burden remembers. Miller also states that the novel lacks focus and abounds in irrelevancies. (Wells 1) This is due to the fact that Cather didn't provide and consistent character portrayal throughout her novel. Another critic, Kim Wells, asserts Miller's opinion on the novel. Because as he states the novel has many variations from a theme. (Wells 1) For instance the section about the hired girls and also the part when Peter and Pavel, two lonesome Russian Settlers, tell Jim and Antonia a tragic tale that horrifies and fascinates the children. This tale was about when Peter and Pavel drove a sled with a bridal couple across dark, snowy Russian country and were attacked by hordes of ravenous wolves, where the wolves killed both the bride and the groom. These examples are divergences which weaken the overall structure of the novel. (Wells 1) Even though both critics say that the novel has a loose structure, they also state that the only thing that resembles any type of structure is the constant use of cyclical themes. For instance as Miller puts it, the cycle of the seasons of the year, the cycle of the stages of human life, and the cycle of the cultural phases of civilization. (Bloom 59) In Miller's essay he states that in The first book of My Antonia, The Shimerdas, introduces from the start the drama of time in the vivid accounts of the shifting seasons?portraying the terrible struggle for mere existence in the bleakness of the plains' winter, dramatizing the return of life with the arrival of spring, and concluding with the promise of a rich harvest in the intense heat of the prairie's summer. This is Jim Burden's remembered year, and it is his obsession with the cycle of time that has caused him to recall Antonia in a setting of the changing seasons. (Miller 55) Book one, The Shimerda's, introduce the beginning of two cyclical themes. One of which is the cycle of the seasons of the year, which begins in the narrators'/Jims' mind in the autumn when the Shimerdas move to Nebraska, the winter when Mr. Shimerda commits suicide, then spring followed the death of Mr. Shimerda, and finally summer in the cyclical theme of the seasons of the year which created another cyclical pattern within itself. This imbedded cyclical theme is on the stages of life is based on the fact that Antonia moves into adulthood while Jim stays as a child as stated by Kim Wells. (Wells 1) This happens because in the section the hired girls Antonia moves into the city from the farm where she used to live. The movement from a rural to an urban area made Antonia mature quicker so she would be able to survive in the city. While on the other hand Jim leaves the farm to go to college, in which inclosing walls unlike that of Antonia protects him. Then Antonia moves into adulthood with a marriage and birth while Jim is at college toiling on the prospect
Monday, March 9, 2020
Free Essays on Uncle Toms Cabin3000
Uncle Tom manages the Shelby plantation. Strong, intelligent, capable, good, and kind, he is the most heroic figure in the novel that bears his name. Tom's most important characteristic is his Christian faith. God has given Tom an extraordinary ability. He can forgive the evil done to him. His self-sacrificing love for others has been called motherly. It has also been called truly Christian. AUNT CHLOE- Aunt Chloe, Uncle Tom's wife, is fat, warm, and jolly. She is a good housekeeper and a superb cook, and justly proud of her skill. She loves Tom, and urges him to escape to Canada rather than to go South with Haley. After Tom is sold, she convinces the Shelbys to hire her out to a baker in Louisville and to use her wages to buy Tom's freedom. She is heartbroken to learn of his death. - MOSE, PETE, AND POLLY - Mose, Pete, and Polly, the children of Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe, are playful and rambunctious. Polly is Tom's special favorite, and she loves to bury her tiny hands in his hair. ELIZA HARRIS - Eliza Harris is raised by her mistress, Mrs. Shelby, to be pious and good. Described as light-skinned and pretty, Eliza dearly loves her husband, George Harris, and their little boy, Harry. When she learns that Harry is about to be sold, Eliza carries him in her arms to the Ohio River, which she crosses on cakes of ice. Although generally a modest and retiring young woman, Eliza becomes extraordinarily brave because of her love for her son. GEORGE HARRIS- George Harris, portrayed as a light-skinned and intelligent slave, belongs to a man named Harris. He is married to Eliza, who lives on the Shelby plantation, and they have a son, Harry. HARRY AND LITTLE ELIZA - Harry and little Eliza are the children of George and Eliza Harris. Harry, born a slave on the Shelby Plantation, is bright and cute, and sings and dances for Mr. Shelby and Haley. He is so beautiful that he is disguised as a girl in order to escape into Canada. Once there, he does ver... Free Essays on Uncle Toms Cabin3000 Free Essays on Uncle Toms Cabin3000 Uncle Tom manages the Shelby plantation. Strong, intelligent, capable, good, and kind, he is the most heroic figure in the novel that bears his name. Tom's most important characteristic is his Christian faith. God has given Tom an extraordinary ability. He can forgive the evil done to him. His self-sacrificing love for others has been called motherly. It has also been called truly Christian. AUNT CHLOE- Aunt Chloe, Uncle Tom's wife, is fat, warm, and jolly. She is a good housekeeper and a superb cook, and justly proud of her skill. She loves Tom, and urges him to escape to Canada rather than to go South with Haley. After Tom is sold, she convinces the Shelbys to hire her out to a baker in Louisville and to use her wages to buy Tom's freedom. She is heartbroken to learn of his death. - MOSE, PETE, AND POLLY - Mose, Pete, and Polly, the children of Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe, are playful and rambunctious. Polly is Tom's special favorite, and she loves to bury her tiny hands in his hair. ELIZA HARRIS - Eliza Harris is raised by her mistress, Mrs. Shelby, to be pious and good. Described as light-skinned and pretty, Eliza dearly loves her husband, George Harris, and their little boy, Harry. When she learns that Harry is about to be sold, Eliza carries him in her arms to the Ohio River, which she crosses on cakes of ice. Although generally a modest and retiring young woman, Eliza becomes extraordinarily brave because of her love for her son. GEORGE HARRIS- George Harris, portrayed as a light-skinned and intelligent slave, belongs to a man named Harris. He is married to Eliza, who lives on the Shelby plantation, and they have a son, Harry. HARRY AND LITTLE ELIZA - Harry and little Eliza are the children of George and Eliza Harris. Harry, born a slave on the Shelby Plantation, is bright and cute, and sings and dances for Mr. Shelby and Haley. He is so beautiful that he is disguised as a girl in order to escape into Canada. Once there, he does ver...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Hip-hop in Colombia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hip-hop in Colombia - Essay Example What began as a music practice common among the economically underprivileged groups like the Latinos and the African-Americans transcended into an art form, without national boundaries in a very short time. Hip-hop in Columbia is not only viewed as a simple music form but as a media to express powerful feelings by the youth. The hip-hop music has international reach and the Columbian artists are using it efficiently to underline their plight to the world community through rapping. Hip-Hop appeared in Columbia by late 1980s shortly after the art form had established itself as a distinguished sub-culture in the US. Los Generales R&R, an Afro-Columbian group is reported to be one of the first groups to entertain Columbian music lovers already mesmerized by MC Hammer and NWA. Los Generales broke up shortly after releasing their first CD. But, they were followed by groups like Gotas de Rap and La Etina in the early 1990s paving way for steady growth of Columbian hip-hop. Both the groups were known for expressing their social concerns through their lyrics, and adapting a very independent style which served as an inspiration for the development of later Columbian hip-hop style. Their experimentation was followed by Asilo 38 band which released famous albums like La Hoguera and La Descarga, by experimenting with new controversial sound. This gave way to Puerto Rican Reggaeton style music in Columbia for a short period. Hip-Hop revived its former glory again from 2006 through the contribution of groups like ChocQuibTown. Though there are several famous hip-groups, this paper will explore about five famous groups, Ghettos Clan, Flaco Flow y Melanina, Choc Quib Town, Carbono and Voodo SoulJhas. Hip-Hop in Columbia is not just a regurgitation of US subculture. Columbian hip-hop has distinct African sounds, usage of local anecdotes, and several autochthonous music forms. Folklore based lyrics mixed with ethnic
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Analysis of a primary research article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Analysis of a primary research - Article Example The null hypothesis for the second study is the diarrheal outbreak at a day care center was not caused by E. coli O145. In both studies, the independent variables were demographic and environmental characteristics in both settings while the dependent variable was the presence of either of the E. coli strain in stool samples. There was no multivariate analysis or standardization of variables in both studies. The first study is a case control study and the cases were defined as individuals with laboratory confirmed E. coli 0157:H7 or those with a clinically compatible diagnosis (Jay, Garrett and Mohle-Boetan). The cases were healthy individuals. The second study lacks defined cases and controls (Wahl, Vold and Lindstedt 7). The presence of E. coli in both studies was established by culture and typing and the units of measurement for the concentration of the organism were Colony-Forming Units per milliliter (CFU/ML). In both studies, statistics on laboratory diagnosis of the different E. coli strains were presented. Positive culture and typing results were used to support the hypothesis on the presence on an outbreak in both studies. The outbreaks were caused by the E. coli strains in the two studies. Based on the results of the two studies, the authors recommend routine surveillance in an effort to detect future outbreaks. Although no limitations were identified in the first study, the authors in the second study reported limitations in the study design and results. Another limitation in the second study was that the symptoms were self-reported; hence, the study was subject to variations between clinical data and what was reported (Wahl, Vold and Lindstedt 8-9). Wahl, Erik , et al. "Investigation of an Escherichia Coli O145 Outbreak In a Child Day-Care Center -Extensive Sampling and Characterization of eae- and stx1-Positive E. Coli Yields Epidemiological and Socioeconomic Insight." BMC Infectious Diseases 11.238 (2011):
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Easter Island Essay Example for Free
Easter Island Essay In the article, â€Å"Who Killed Easter Island†by Jared Diamond he states that people can affect and destroy our environment and natural resources. Easter Island can be used as a warning that cultural and environmental dangers exist due to overexploitation. Although, civilizations have vanished from the island it still has a remaining mystery and history to its untouched landscape. Easter Island was formed out of an ancient volcanic eruption; the island is only sixty-four square miles with habitable land and subtropical weather that makes the soil fertile. Easter Island was name by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, on Easter in 1722. Easter Island is famous for its tight-lipped statues that stand across the island, which were erected by the Rapa Nui people between the 10th and 16th centuries AD. These are ancient wonders of the world that are still being studied to get a full understanding of how and why these statues were created. From written history the explorer’s first impression of the island was that it was a waste because the people who lived on the island represented it as being of insufficient and ruthless to them. With all the current studies that have consumed the island many are fascinated with the history and abundance of Easter Island. Many questions have arisen to Easter Islands existence because the people who are putting time and effort are very interested and curious. They have come to conclusion that many of the natural resources of the island were used in order for the first settlers to survive from using the forests to gather food and build canoes and also using the ocean to fish and drink. Remains that have been left on the island have been from fish, porpoises, rats, birds from both the land and sea, and even seals have been linked to the food chain of the people of Easter Island. Researchers have also linked cannibalism to the people of Easter Islands’ meat consumption. With today’s rising population around the world we have been exhausting our natural resources to fish more, ruin our tropical forests and create more fossil fuel that if we do not learn to conserve more that we will not have left for our children of the future. After reading this article by Jared Diamond, it has given me a better understanding that we as humans can and are damaging our own personal environment. We already have many extinction of animals and plants in our society today that we are busting our butts to learn to preserve and protect them. We have over done our part from over fishing, hunting, cutting down trees from out vital rain forests, polluting our rivers and oceans only to satisfy our craving for that moment then to conserve and protect for the future of not only ourselves but also the remaining people who will walk on this earth. If Easter Island can be still a habitable piece of land but have no people living on the island then what are doing to the rest of the lands that we have readily available and use at our discretion. We have to protect and consume less for not only the people who are living today but also for the animals and plants that will be protecting us in the future. Everyone on this planet has created their own catastrophic environment for themselves. We have to fight harder in order for us to be able to use our resources for our children’s future and our children’s children’s future and so on. Many questions have to be asked and the answer have to be legit because we are building skyscrapers left to right but what land are we building it on and whose environment are destroying by having these skyscrapers built. We are only benefitting human life but not thinking of the animal and plant life that have help us to be where we are today. With the way that we live today there might not be anything left for anyone in the world but where do we start first?
Monday, January 20, 2020
how important were the actions of Roas Parks? Essay -- essays research
How Important were the actions of Rosa Parks to the civil rights movement? Explain your answer. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rosa Parks was a black American who it has been said, started the black civil rights movement. Rosa Parks was fro Montgomery, and in Montgomery they had a local low that black people were only allowed to sit in a few seats on the public buses and if a white person wanted their set, they would have to give it up. On one bus journey Parks was asked to move for a white person, she refused and the police were call and she was arrested and convicted of breaking the bus laws. Â Â Â Â Â The black people of Montgomery decided that the best way to show their anger at what had happened and how they were being treated would be by boycott, not use, the local bus service. One the first day of the boycott the buses were almost empty. The black community worked together and arranged another forms of transport such as car pool, or waling. Black taxi companies only charged back passengers the price of the bus fair and some white people who could do without their servants even when to pick them up form their homes. During the boycott the bus company lost 65% of their earnings. This showed people who powerful non-violent protest could be, by challenging black segregation laws without committing a crime. It also showed the black people how powerful they could be if they worked together. Â Â Â Â Â When...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Summary and critique of Stanley Milgram
The experiment on â€Å"Behavioral Study of Obedience†was conducted by Stanley Milgram in July 1961. It was barely three months after Adolf Eichmann had been tried over the criminal activities committed during the Nazi war. The research was designed to address the questions about the peoples who were the masterminds of the infamous Nazi torturing ordeal that were responsible for the deaths of millions of the innocent people. It was intended to find out the people who would prefer to be submissive to the authority at the expense of human life. The experiment also sought to measure the willingness of individuals to obey an authority figure who instructs them to do certain things that are against their personal conscience. The question that the researchers were asking was, â€Å"Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?†The hypothesis was that there was likelihood that that during the Nazi war it might have been that Adolf Eichmann and his accomplices were just being submissive to the orders from higher authority (against their will) to murder the innocent people. The research question was very instrumental in helping to unveil how one can alter another person’s behavior, beliefs and mind-set. Before giving the results of the experiment the researcher predicted that only a negligible number of the participants would obey the orders and persist on to administer maximum shock. The range was 0 – 3%. That meant that out of 100 participants only 3 would administer the 450 volt shock. Method The people who participate in the experiment (subjects) were drawn from different social status background within New Haven area. They comprised people from a wide range occupation with characteristic characters include clerical officers, teachers, salespersons, engineers and drudges. The group was a representative of all educational levels; from elementary school to doctorate and other professional degrees and aged between 20 – 50 years in their right state of mind (Milgram, S., 1963). The dependable variable in this experiment was the maximum shock that the subject, S, was willing to administer to the victim L up to that point when he resist to follow the instructions given to him by the experimenter. The independent variables were the learner (an experimental confederate) and the experimenter’s orders. There were two participants in each case. They were; a naà ¯ve subject who played the role of a â€Å"teacher†and was provided with a 450 volt electric shock generator and the second one a confederate who played the role of a â€Å"learner.†The task of the â€Å"teacher†was to read to the â€Å"learner†a list of word pairs. The â€Å"learner†on the other hand was to respond correctly to these pairs of words by pressing the button as an indicator of his response. In case of a wrong answer the â€Å"teacher†was to administer an electric shock to the â€Å"learner†. For each subsequent wrong answer, the â€Å"teacher†would increase the voltage. Even though the subject believed that the learner was receiving the actual shock, the learner, being in a separate room, sets up a tape recorder which had been incorporated to the electric shock generator. This tape played sounds which had been pre-recorded to march each shock level. The presupposed victim (â€Å"learner†) would start to bang the wall separating him from the subject at given numbers of voltage increase. He would continue banging on the wall and complaining of heart condition until all the responses from him ceased. The data collected was based on how much electric shock the subjects were willing to inflict on the victim. This was to indicate their level of obedience and to see their willingness to obey the orders; if it they were doing it deliberately or did it against their will. Results Eventually it was discovered that out of the 40 participants 14 subjects showed explicit signs of nervous laughter and smiling which were inapt and weird. Three of the subjects developed irrepressible convulsions. According to the results obtained, it is evident that while responding to the demands prompted by the appraisals, 40 themes exceed the projected break-off point. None of them administered the electric shock below 300 volts, a point when the victim starts to kick the wall and provided no answers to the teacher’s questions. 5 of them stops at the 300 volt level; 4 of them proceeds to 315 volt level; 2 breaks of at 330 volt level; 3 others drop off at 345, 360 and 375 volts respectively. These 14 subjects were defiant to the experimenter’s instructions. They were recurrently in a frantic and enraged condition. However 26 of the 40 subjects were obedient enough to proceed on to punish the victim till they attain the shock of 450 volts. But they do this against their will. They could be observed to be in consternation once the experiment was brought to a halt. Discussion The results obtained imply that there are people who, despite receiving orders from authority, would choose to defy and stick to what they believe is morally acceptable. In this case the 14 subjects held this belief and would not inflict pain on another person against his/her will. It was however observed that some people would choose to act against their conscience and submit to authority even if what they are ordered to do is against moral principles. This what the 26 subjects did; despite expressing some signs of displeasure in shocking an innocent person, they still go on to obey the commands to the end. This implies that obedience to authority can cause harmless and non-hostile individuals to turn inhuman. The results seems to be in contrast to those predicted in the questionnaire where only 3 out of 100 respondents said they would proceed to administer electric shock to their victim up to the most maximum and risky shock of 450 volts. In this case however, the figure was surprisingly high; 26 out of 40. It had also been expected that a subjected would basically terminate or proceed as dictated by his conscience. However the subjects exhibited tension and emotional strain in their response to the commands. Critique The experiment was well conducted and its objective was attained. The volunteers were got through a New Have (Connecticut) daily newspaper advert and direct mail to some informing them take part in the study of reminiscence as well as the learning designate conducted in a laboratory at Yale University. The real purpose of the experiment was hidden from the subjects until the experiment was over; they knew that the experiment was a study of memory and learning yet it was about study of obedience to authority. Another thing was that the entire volunteers were to play the role of the teacher while that of the student was played by an experimental confederate. In addition, the generator that the teacher used was just but of 45 volts sample shock with the generator not wired to shock the learner. Lastly, the kicking of the wall by the learner, screams and his rejection to proceed and the commands/orders of the experimenter to the teacher were all skillfully fabricated. These indicate the researchers’ thoroughness in the design of the experiment to answer their specific research question. Most importantly, at the end of the experiment subjects underwent some procedures to assist them go back to normal well being. The researchers did not however deal with any feasible alternative explanation for their results. This might be attributes to the fact that they expected the subjects to show some level of obedience. Also, the subjects might have been expected to act accordingly and participate fully to make the research successfully bearing in mind that the real objective of the experiment was hidden from them. It should be stated here that there are some people who will not, at any cost, accept to administer any level of electric shock to another person. The research was also not well represented in terms of gender or the researchers did not specify the sex of the participants. This raises the question about the criteria that was used in selecting the subjects. But all in all the experiment was quite essential as it the positive and the negative nature of human beings. Reference: Milgram. S. (1969); Study on behavioral obedience, Journal of Abnormal and social psychology; 371-378.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Case Of Enron And Arthur Andersen Co - 1829 Words
Studies say that most people s greatest fears are financial matters. What if you cannot afford to pay your debts? That is where bankruptcy comes in. Not one person desires to do it, but you can go before a judge and have your past debts forgiven. Nowadays, certain people file for bankruptcy, businesses, individuals, and it no longer has the disgrace it once had. Now it is almost considered a sensible way to recuperate and come back again. According to Business Dictionary bankruptcy is a legal procedure for liquidating a business or personal property owned by an individual that cannot entirely pay its debts out of its current assets (What Is Bankruptcy? Definition and Meaning). Two main objectives of bankruptcy are settling fair of all†¦show more content†¦The dismissed associate, David B. Duncan, announced a conference of accountants at the firm s Houston facility and directed an expedited attempt to stop records on Oct. 23, the day after Enron exposed that the Securities Ex change Commission had begun its analysis. The damage apparently did not end until Mr. Duncan s secretary posted an e-mail message to other administrators on Nov. 9 that said stop the shredding. Andersen had received a subpoena from the Security Exchange Commission the day before. Ever since the bankruptcy, many concluded before facts were available to form a reasonable judgment that Andersen was responsible for their actions resulting Enron going bankrupt. Facts show that Enron officers committed fraud within off-balance sheet partnerships with the active assistance of many prominent financial institutions (Morrison, Mary Ashby). Evidence indicates that Andersen personnel destroyed duplicate copies of old memos, magazines, and requests for charitable contributions before the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission issued or discussed any subpoena to the firm. In difference, the Department of Justice gave misleading testimony, engaged in escapes, allegedly threatening observers and acknowledged in court that it had failed to review the most crucial evidence, the firms audit papers. Auditors areShow MoreRelatedManagement Planning Paper on Arthur Andersen1221 Words  | 5 PagesPlanning Paper on Arthur Andersen Management Planning Paper on Arthur Andersen In 1913, the company Arthur Andersen started by Arthur Andersen and Clarence Delany by the name of Andersen, Delany, Co. In 1918, it was given the name Arthur Andersen Co. The company supplied tax, consulting services and auditing for the large business, and itself had a position in the Big Five accounting firms. 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However, in some cases auditors can fail to recognize – or intentionally ignore – misleading data within a company’s financial statements, leading to negative outcomes for lenders and investors. This report will discuss the Enron scandal in which the auditing firm Arthur Andersen LLP turned a blind eye to the fraudulent actions of Enron Corporation, leadingRead MoreEnron Was A Successful Multi Billion Dollar Company1555 Words  | 7 PagesEnron was a company that operated one of the largest natural gas transmissions networks in North America. At the top of its game, Enron was a successful multi-billion dollar company that marketed electricity and natural gas. Enron also provided financial and risk management services to consumers around the globe. Because of its success, Enron left many people astonished when it declared ban kruptcy in December 2001. Twenty thousand employees were left without jobs and most had lost their entireRead MoreAccounting System Failures and Enron2835 Words  | 11 PagesAccounting System Failures and Enron Introduction: The 1990s say the United States enjoying unprecedented economic growth This would be led largely by the enormous profitability experienced by swelling corporate entities and multinational conglomerates. And at the height of this period of economic dynamism, it did appear that these corporate entities were leading the charge toward a new national prosperity. Sadly, the decade immediately thereafter would prove much of this unbridled success to
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