Thursday, December 26, 2019
Policy Analysis Of The Affordable Care Law - 1445 Words
POLICY ANALYSIS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE LAW Healthcare policy analysis has been a debate for citizens and government officials. The policy was initiated as a start to healthcare reform in the U.S. Initiated in 2010, by President Barack Obama the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was on its way to redeveloping the function of the healthcare field. The ACA puts people, families, and businesses in charge of their healthcare. All three branches (Legislative, Judicial, and Executive) had a part of the creation of the law and experienced a fair share of issues in the development. Outcries from the public and lobbyists a method of seeking a favored result has influenced the development of this law. In this paper, addressing all elements involved in†¦show more content†¦Congress had to vote and debate to get the law passed and on the floor for the judicial and executive branch. The judicial branch is to take the legislative bills and develop rules and regulations for the new bills passed. This branch also known as the Supreme Co urt can rewrite laws that Congress passed about ACA that were not completely thought through. Republicans and those that support them felt the Supreme Court upholding the bill for ACA creation was a huge mistake to allow for a massive expansion of government. The most anticipated Supreme Court ruling in years allows the government to continue implementing the health care law, which was passed in 2010 but doesn t take full effect until 2014 (Mears Cohen, 2012). The executive branch of the U.S. government handles enforcing laws; its power is vested in the President. With relation to the ACA the president was the agenda setter in the initiative of the healthcare reform, Obama was passionate about the reform happen now, and there was not the time to wait. Obama ensured coverage for all to allow the patients to have more control over their care and to stop insurance provider from denying and over charging for health. Issues the executive branch experience for involvement in ACA law is m any. Public Opinion and Lobbyist Role and Impact in Law Development Lobbyist or interest groups are
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Understanding The Epidemiology Of Infectious Diseases
Around 6 years of age, I was outside playing with other children when I noticed a group of people building something in an area. Everyone gathered around to observe them and saw water coming out of a pump. There were a few stories about drinking unsafe water or eating contaminated foods which led to gastrointestinal diseases, but very little effort was made to prevent this. While in my undergraduate years studying to become a physician, I noticed how doctors were trained in intervention medicine, but not many practiced preventive medicine. I decided that I wanted to enact positive impact by improving population health through researching and understanding the epidemiology of infectious diseases, seeking viable possibilities to eliminate health conditions and partnering with stakeholders to drive public policies and economic growth in developing countries. By the end of my sophomore year, I started pursuing a degree in public health. At Rutgers, I took two courses--public health preparedness and epidemiology--that captured my interest in public health. As I listened to experts speak intensively about effective communication with vulnerable population and ways to modify incidence, prevalence and mortality rates within the communities, I saw the possibilities of improving the quality of lives for many. My professors carried such genuine interest in educating us on various public health issues that by the end of the course, I was sure that I wanted to contribute in some howShow MoreRelatedEssay about assignment 11195 Words  | 5 PagesApplication of Epidemiology – A Case Study Analyze Good Health Hospital s records and itemize records and itemize recent nosocomial infections that occurred within the past year. In your report, categorize the different parameters (i.e., person, time, place, ethnicity, and gender) used in the compilation of data into the information summative. An outbreak of E-coli has occurred in Good Health Hospital, this has become a major problem since the outbreak occurred in WardRead MoreThe Hot Zone By Richard Preston Essay1498 Words  | 6 Pages My unwavering interest in infectious diseases began in middle school when I read the book, The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston that intricately describes the Ebola virus. While the description of how the virus destroys the human body are unpleasant, this virus fascinated me. Consequently, in my spare time I read about other infectious diseases, such as cholera and tuberculosis, on Wikipedia and other web pages for my personal enjoyment. Years later, I participated in Princeton Model Congress in highRead MoreInfectious And Deadly Diseases : An Indispensable Approach For Understanding Epidemics Of Infectious Diseases890 Words  | 4 PagesResearch paper Infectious and deadly diseases have been known to spread over social networks of people and animals. Network epidemiology has been proved as an indispensable approach for understanding epidemics of infectious diseases and is often used in medical epidemiology and network science. The most famous and practical example of network epidemiology is the GLEAMviz platform, which succeeded in forecasting the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, saving millions of lives. Behind network epidemiology, one can assumeRead MoreEpidemiology And The Center Of Disease Prevention And Control Essay1064 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to the Center of Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), by definition, epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health and health outcomes in populations. Several methods can be used to carry out epidemiological investigation includes surveillance and descriptive study and analytical studies are used to study determinants (CDC, 2012). Determinants can be categorize d as causes and risk factors that influence the pandemic of a disease. According to the World HealthRead MoreEpidemiological Studies : Risk Factors Essay1411 Words  | 6 Pagesutilize to identify risk factors of diseases in populations. Knowledge of these risk factors is used to conduct further investigation and to implement intervention preventions. Since there is a global rise in human infectious diseases outbreaks, it is important to understand the methods of epidemiology, in order to understand the dynamics of diseases. In the synthetic epidemic study, we performed an experiment to develop an intervention to prevent the spread of disease. The hypothesis mentioned, if 9Read MorePersonal Statement : Health And Wellness976 Words  | 4 Pages What if as a society we began to focus more on preventing chronic disease rather than treating them after onset? This is the question that has driven my interest in public health. I began my undergraduate career as a Viticulture and En ology major. I loved the idea of spending my days in a vineyard, nurturing grapes to maturity and then creating a final product that was entirely different from its humble beginning. It wasn’t until I was working in a lab at a winery that I realized winemaking wasRead MoreEpidemiology622 Words  | 3 PagesEpidemiology Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Abstract Descriptive epidemiology is based on two important premises which are central in the field. The first premise states that disease does not occur in isolation. Secondly, patterns of disease occurrence are placed under three important categories of person, place and time. This paper seeks to build understanding on the three areas by giving relevant examples where they are applied. Read MoreMy Interest On Public Health988 Words  | 4 PagesPhD in epidemiology, which will allow me to pursue my goal of further refining my skills in epidemiology with a career in academia as well as in the non-profit sector. During my career as a senior clinical research coordinator at Mount Sinai hospital in New York City, I had an opportunity to work with a diverse community of patients and it quickly became apparent to me the gap in health disparities was emphasized by race and financial status. My work exposed me to a broad spectrum of diseases fromRead MoreIn A Hospital Setting, Healthcare Personnel More Than Often992 Words  | 4 Pagesencounter patients with infectious diseases or opportunistic host to these. Here is when the study of epidemiology comes as a helpful tool. Epidemiology is the science of preventive medicine, and provides a framework or tool, called epidemiological triad, for understanding the interactions between the agent, host, and environment. Common diagnoses found in the acute care setting are, urinary tract infection, common cold, ear infections, coronary disease, and pulmonary disease. Nurses need to have knowledgeRead MoreWhat is Epidemiology?1686 Words  | 7 Pageshe lp the cycle amongs others, that will further prevent other diseases from occurring. Using epidemiology and the epidemiology triangle diabetes in African Americans will be observed. This health concern in many communities in the United States that can be prevented and helped, but information is the key to success. In this paper we will be examining the definition and description of epidemiology, the steps and methods of epidemiology, reviewing the data of the selected population. We will also be
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Growing Up Reflective Essay Example For Students
Growing Up: Reflective Essay I never understood adults. They drink water that burns your throat and set straws on fire and sip the air. When they get together they are always loud and they pay me less attention. Yes, I thought all adults were weird, until I met my Uncle Clinton. He liked to play the drums and he wore army pants and t-shirts with funny quotes or pictures. Uncle Clinton had a funny cartoon giggle when he laughed and love to eat all kinds of junk food. We always had fun together. We watched cartoons and played video games. He was almost as old as my mommy and I never thought that a grown up would ever understand us kids. One day my family decided to have a barbeque. At every family gathering the adults like to sit at a long rectangular, wooden table and play dominoes. My uncle liked to play too so he sat down with the adults as well. Then, it suddenly hit me; I knew how to play dominoes. Why couldn’t I play with the adults? This is my chance to prove that I am worthy of their loud laughs and conversation. I have the skills to act like an adult. â€Å" Let me play, I know how to play†, I bothered my mother while tugging on her shirt. â€Å" No sweetie this is for adults, go watch the smaller children†. â€Å"Uncle Clinton, you know that I know how to play please ask them if I could play†, I begged my uncle. â€Å"Hey everyone†, my uncle said confidently, â€Å"Theresa said she’s got more skills then all of us put together and if you don’t let her play you all are just scared to lose†. I felt much better. I wanted to run to my room and put on my moms red heels and princess make up, but then I would lose my chance and nothing was going to take this from me. I was having fun for a while but the adults held weird conversations. They talked about TV shows I didn’t watch, they spoke big words I haven’t learned, and other words I wouldn’t say. I played okay and my uncle was there to make sure I played good, but he knew what they were saying and I didn’t. I knew he didn’t have time to explain every line they blurted out. So I continued my playing until the game was over. I realized that no matter how hard I tried I would just have to wait until I was older. I may not act as wild as they do and drink better water then they do, but I probably won’t understand them until I am their age. Well, my birthday is in five weeks. I will be ten years old; you know the â€Å"two-digit number birthday†. I hope I will understand more on my birthday, but until then I think I will stick with my cartoons and video games.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Palamon capital evaluation free essay sample
Private equity firm, Palamon Capital specializes in managing, funding, and developing small to mid-sized companies into public ownership. Palamon’s strategy is to buy a controlling stake in an up and coming company for 10 – 50 million EUROS grow the business, and implement an exit strategy. As the private equity market in Europe becomes more cut- throat and competitive, Palamon Capital, a private equity company Based in the UK is looking to diversify and expand its assets from focusing solely on the UK markets to focusing on the European markets as a whole. As a part of this expansion and diversification plan, Palamon Capital expects to purchase a controlling stake in an Italian software company, TeamSystem S. p. A.. After analyzing TeamSystem S. p. A. ’s financial statements and cash flows, going fourth with the controlling investment is a great opportunity for Palamon Capital as a company in order to expand westward into Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on Palamon capital evaluation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not only is it a great growth opportunity, but Palamon Capital is getting great value for their money. After following all the investment procedures, Palamon Capital should proceed with the investment and pay 25. 9 million EUROS for their 51% controlling stake in TeamSystem S. p. A.. After finalizing the transaction, the current market value for TeamSystem S. p. A. will be 65. 84 million Euros, with Palamon Capitals controlling stake worth 33. 58 million Euros (shown in exhibit 1). After analyzing the financial data, and using a discounted cash flow valuation (Shown in Exhibit 2 of the Appendix) purchasing a 51% controlling stake in TeamSystem S. p. A. for 25. 9 million EUROS is a great opportunity for quick growth in this competitive market. TeamSystem S. p. A. is a very attractive investment because Palamon Capital is getting great value for their money. Palamon Capital is buying 51% of team systems for only 25. 9 million euros when that same 51% is actually worth 33. 58 million euros (shown in exhibit 3). Acquiring a controlling stake in TeamSystem S. p. A. now will allow Palamon Capital to take advantage of the discounted price that TeamSystem S. p. A is proposing. Acquiring TeamSystem S. p. A. will allow Palamon Capital to expand and diversify their assets into the western part of Europe while promising adequate returns in the near future. Palamon Capital has a very extensive process when exploring new investment opportunities, and after following the investment process step-by-step, TeamSystem S. p. A. meets all the criteria, qualifying them for a Palamon Capital investment. In order for Palamon Capital to buy a controlling stake in TeamSystem S. p. A. , Palamon Capital must accept the proposed sale of 51% for 25. 9 million EUROS. After discounting the future cash flows, finding the enterprise value, and eventually finding the value of equity as shown in exhibit 3, we can see Palamon Capital is buying TeamSystem S. p. A. at an attractive discounted rate. In any acquisition there is some uncertainty or risk, and in this takeover it is no different. Elson is worried the current management team relies on current CEO, Ranocchi too much, and has concerns about the ability of the supporting cast to deliver in a period of continued growth. Another risk is the inspections from the Italian Government. This could cause distractions and slow our growth in the near future. Last but not least Elson has concerns the company may not be able to keep up with the technological advancements which will also cause a slow in growth. In order to compensate for this risk or uncertainty, we performed a sensitivity test just in case the long term growth rates as well as the short term growth rates are incorrect and are less than expected (See Exhibit 4 for Calculations). As we can see Palamon Capital is still getting a great value for their money. This sensitivity test shows even if these rates are incorrect, it is not detrimental to Palamon Capital unless TeamSystem’s long term growth is under 4% while their short term growth in under 10%. Another way to access risk is by a comparable analysis. After completing a comparable analysis of the tier 1 large ERP players as shown in exhibit 5, you can see TeamSystem’s has a higher Equity Value to Sales ratio than one of the world’s largest ERP players, JD Edwards. This means for the size of TeamSystem and JD Edwards respectively, TeamSystem’s S. p. A has more sales. After receiving this information from the sensitivity test and the comparable analysis, our firm does not see much risk associated with this investment, and would advise to close the deal as soon as possible. Given the Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, the sensitivity test, the comparable analysis, and any other areas of uncertainty, our firm would advise Palamon Capital to follow through with the opportunity to obtain a 51% controlling stake in TeamSystem S. p. A. for 25. 9 million Euros. As shown through our calculations, Palamon Capital is making a smart and safe investment that will allow their company to diversify from the UK to the rest of Europe while sticking with their investment plan and achieving quick rapid growth.
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